Elizabeth stream

How Do You Thank Military Family Members?

Elizabeth stream
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 How important is it to you to thank military family members? I can’t thank them enough! Families sacrifice in a different way than the military member, but we as family do a lot! I was once left alone pregnant and gave birth while my husband was away. We Skyped the birth and during me giving birth, I as well as the staff could hear bombs going off in the background. Yikes! Right? My first time giving birth, panicking, anxiety, and on top of all that the fob next to my husband is getting attacked! Can you imagine being in labor for the first time, clueless, and without your husband there for you? You guys I’m not writing this to sound like the “poor me” girl. I couldn’t be more thankful for the experience. Without this hard experience I wouldn’t be the strong woman I am today. How unique is it that I was one of the small percentages that got to experience a deployment?! I’m so grateful Ryan made it home safe, but I’m also so grateful for his sacrifice. Not only did Ryan sacrifice missing the birth of our first born child, but he sacrificed fighting for our country.   


 I encourage you to thank military member families, because we have our own struggles. We also sacrifice, worry, and wonder when we’ll receive a call or an email. 

 Thank you for tuning in on this blog post! It means the world to me, specially since this post Is so special to me. 

#verizonsalutes #brandpartner 

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