What do you notice first about people’s looks? I notice smiles! I have always loved big white smiles! I love to bleach my teeth! When I first met my husband he had the biggest most pretty smile! I immediately asked what whiteners he used, lol. I also used to work at dental office for 7 years, so how could I not be attracted to someone’s smile;)
Here I am using this super unique whitening kit from @snowteethwhitening it’s been super nice to only bleach from 7-16 min while it’s plugged in to my phone. I usually just browse and the time goes by so quickly. This system is super easy to use. All you have to do is apply the bleach on the upper and lower part of the tray plug it in, and put it in your mouth. The bright light makes it so your teeth bleach a lot faster. Make sure to brush and rinse before using the bleach tray. I will attach instructions in a pictures below.