Elizabeth stream

Half Marathon Success & Tips

Elizabeth stream

Hello everyone! 

 I had the privilege and dedication to run a half marathon, If you know me you know I’m a comfort zone kind of person. I dislike change! I’m afraid of trying new things out of my comfort zone. I went for it and got this half marathon out of the way. I trained hard almost everyday. My goal was to finish this run by jogging the entire race. I did it!! I had friends push me a long the way. The entire thing was just emotional, exciting, and all for a great cause. Recently my cousins baby, Israel was diagnosed with cancer. He has cancer behind one of his eyes. Israel, has had his eye removed and started chemo immediately. What I love most about his journey is that even though he’s sick, he’s still the most happy baby with a glow in his smile. I dedicated my Run to this little angel, As the run started to get hard, I thought of him, all of these people with cancer, and other people I know that fight for their life and beat cancer, or are back with my Heavenly Father. 

 I have been asked a lot of questions on how to prepare for a half, what to expect, and good pointers. Here is what worked for me and what I wish I would’ve done different to prepare..

 First, get you some good running shoes!! I went to “Runners Corner” in Orem. The employees are great help and will guide you in the right direction for the type of shoe that fits your foot and stride the best. Second, you need good socks! I also purchased mine at the running shoe store “Runners Corner” in Orem. Third, buy you some energy jelly beans or any healthy energy snack to throw in your mouth as you’re running. I also bought a light Fanny pack on Amazon. I was able to fit a couple bags of energy jelly beans, toilet paper, my phone, gum, and chapstick. You may ask yourself why toilet paper? Well you never know when you’ll have to go to the bathroom if there’s not one coming up anytime soon;) I do suggest stopping at a restroom, if you feel like you need to slightly go. Get you a drink at every water/Gatorade station. The water helped me a ton! I will link my fanny pack from amazon on here. I liked my blue tooth headphones and downloaded good music and podcasts:) Put on some deep blue cream from doterra before the run and after for a couple of days. This will help you with sore muscles as well as any muscles and joints hurting while running. Guess what? I forgot my dang headphones! I also got sick the night before my dang run. Luckily my good friend had an extra pair of headphones. Don’t forget your sun glasses, if you’re sensitive to the light like me! 

 Here is what I wish I would’ve done different. Next time I’ll go to bed earlier the night before my run. I got about 4 hours of sleep. I had to be to the start line by 4:15:) Eat something light for dinner the night before (I had sushi). I didn’t take my bag with my tag up the canyon. I wish I would’ve to put my sweater in there and you get to throw it in a truck and you pick it up after the race. Also, anything you take to the start line, you can put it in the bag they give you with your tag. I didn’t know that, so I carried minimal things and wish I would’ve taken some sweats to keep warm. Wear knee sleeves if your knees slightly bother you. Mine didn’t until after the race. I’m good now! 

I’m cheering you on! Let me know if you want any other tips;) I hope this was helpful! 

Outfit: www.dicks.com (all fourth of july stuff on sale!)

Fanny pack: https://www.amazon.com/Fitters-Resistant-Reflective-Adjustable-Running/dp/B016XG39YI/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1530597808&sr=8-5&keywords=ultra+slim+waist+fanny+pack&dpID=51tfD%252BC5f5L&preST=_SX300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch 

we were cold!

we were cold!