Elizabeth stream

Brushes & More Brushes

Elizabeth stream

 Can I begin to explain to you how amazing these @maskcara brushes are! They’re soft and the quality of them is great! I have tried many brushes including from Sephora, bear mineral, and these by far are the best I’ve tried! I teamed up with @jessicaalisa_beauty to do a brush/Blush giveaway and you guys need to check her out! She’s your MASKCARA makeup vendor and artist! I know her personally and she’s the sweetest lady I’ve ever met! She was my esthetics school instructor and knows her Crap! Y’all check her out and even schedule a facial;) she’s really good at answering any questions about this makeup that you may have. Seriously guys I can’t get enough of these brushes! 

Brushes: https://jessicaalisabeauty.maskcarabeauty.com/en/shop/retail/22/collections/122/brush-collection
