Words are powerful (Letter Board)
I'm finally feeling settled in our new home. We've down sized a lot, but I just keep thinking it will be worth it! I'm seeing this end goal of building our dream home when we pay off this duplex we just bought. I didn't ever think that I would sacrifice for a long while to get something we really really want. We've had to make lots of adjustments due to the size of our duplex. Lots of stuff in storage and lots of stuff was thrown away. I guess this made me realize I didn't need everything I had in our old house we sold. Heavenly Father Is definitely making a path for my family and I and has taught me lots of things from this move. I'm so very grateful to have a home and to be able to make it home. We've been so lucky that we can remodel a little bit to make it more nice. Thanks to those that are cheering us on and believing that we can pay off this new investment in four years;)
How cute are these letter boards?! I've been in awe over these since the day I saw them! I finally have one and I love that I can put lots of messages on it! My message on this is "My Savior Can Move Mountains" You bet he can! I have faith that he's here to help guide us in all decisions we make. This move has been hard for a couple of different reasons and I don't regret all of the hardship that's came with it. I know this is where we're meant to be for now. We will meet our goal of building a home;) please keep watching my blog and social media accounts.
Please check out @oakandmade on IG and click the link in their bio. Also, head to oakandmade.com. Check out the different sizes they have available for these cute letter boards. These make cute decorations and Christmas is around the corner what a perfect gift these make! I also have a discount code you can use!!
Use code "ELIZABETH10" for 10% off of your purchase!
This letter board pictured is a 12x18.
Letter board: oakandmade.com
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