Elizabeth stream

Say Hello TO A New You For 2018

Elizabeth stream

Happy New Years!!!

 My birthday is on New Year’s Day! Let me tell you I’m dreading it so much! I’m going to be 29!!! Don’t worry @meadowandmagnolias has me covered to keep me looking young;) what are y’all doing for New Years? Do you guys set goals? I do! My goals this year is to make it through the temple and be the good to everyone I surround myself with. 

 Friends! I have found the perfect styles and shop to be a new you for New Years! This cardigan is long, cozy, thick, has pockets, and can be worn with just about anything! Cardigan to a whole new level! I have wore this cardigan with black top underneath and this striped tie top I’m about to show you. Wear it with leather leggings or jeans! You name it! 

Window shopping:)

Window shopping:)

 Shop @meadowandmagnolias for a whole new different unique world of clothing! I love all of her stuff! Pricing and shipping is great! The quality of her clothes is the best ever! I recommended shopping @meadowandmagnolias. I also got these beautiful earrings from the same shop! Accessorize your outfit for a whole new look;) I love jewelry and the difference it makes in wearing it over not wearing some. I’m not saying wear bracelets, necklace, and earrings. Giving your outfit a little pop is always good and super cute! That’s what i love about fashion. You can wear so many different things and it shows your true personality. 

 Enjoy my earrings and cardigan! 

Cardigan/ earrings: www.meadowandmagnolias.com

