Elizabeth stream

Great fall colors

Elizabeth stream

 When you see the leaves falling, the colors changing, and the breeze getting cooler, You know its fall time. Doesn't that make you want to buy new wardrobe in dark colors? I know the different seasons make me want to go shopping and get a whole new wardrobe. Well i won't lie i have;) Shhh.. don't let my husband know! 

 I want to introduce you to this adorable tunic dress available in a couple of different colors. I got it in the burgundy. I teamed up with a boutique named Thread. You can find them @thread3. Its a new online boutique with super cute affordable clothes. Check them out! You won't want to miss out on their cute clothes. They only have a few available in every size, so comment with an email, and they'll send you an invoice through pay pal. 

I paired this dress with this beautiful handmade crystal chain necklace made by the incredible @fearlessmemoriesjewelry. She's an amazing talented lady! Seriously check her out!! Her jewelry is to die for! 

Tunic dress: @thread3

Necklace: www.fearlessmemories.com